
Foot Reflexology

Reflexology is the theraputic method of treating the body as a whole by working upon the feet.  Origins of this treatment can be traced back to ancient times of China, Egypt and India whereby the feet and hands were worked upon to treat aliments of the mind and body.  Foot reflexology as we know it now in the modern day was brought about by a lady called Eunice Ingham and reveals that working particular points upon the feet directly relate to points/organs of the body.  In recent years, reflexology has earned itself recognition and credit within the medical society as an effective holistic treatment.  The treatment stimulates our natural healing ability, prompting the body to create balance within our mind, body and soul.  This treatment is deeply relaxing and should leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.  It can help ease a multitude of ailments and conditions both physically and emotionally.

 60 min treatment 

(inc. hot cloth foot cleansing)


Hot Stone Foot Reflexology

This treatment takes reflexology to the next level!  With all the amazing benefits of a normal reflexology session, the addition of warmed Basalt stones allows for a much deeper level of holistic healing & relaxation.  The heat and pressure achieved with the stones in conjunction with therapists hands allows the client to reach a deeper level of mindfulness, encouraging the mind, body & soul to release & let go of tensions, stress and physical pains.

        60 min. treatment includes;

Hot cloth foot cleanse followed by foot reflexology incorporating warm Basalt stones
